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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Blue Ridge Presbyterian Church (M)

Property Committee Meeting

February 2, 2016

Building Relationships with People in Christ

I. Items to be included in Session's consent agenda: none

II. Items to be voted upon or needing discussion by Session: Roof repair with the
possibility of replacement in some areas.

III. Items for information only: please see below

Members present: Paul Luce, Christi Neal, Gary Oberlander, Paul Vance, John Starcke, Bob
Lockwood, and Bobby Neal, Moderator. Pastor Pat also attended.

Pastor Pat opened the meeting with prayer. Previous minutes and agenda were approved.

Building Usage: Janet Jackson’s yoga class in the upstairs movie room was discussed with
needs of the space and the participants access to the building. Other use requests were addressed
and approved which include; Bonnie Withers sales of knitted item in the parlor, Worship’s
pancake breakfast for REAP, the Boy Scout and Cub Scout’s Blue and Gold gatherings, Cub
Scouts Pinewood Derby/Car show, and the Presbytery minutes reading requested by Avis
Odenbaugh. Items of interest such as lights and bathroom fans left on after gatherings were
detailed and will be dealt with by the mediators to those groups.

Old Business:
 Roof Leaks* – The need for serious roof repair is apparent. Paul Vance will continue to
monitor and band-aide the roof leaks as well as possible, while waiting for the Spring
time availability of professional roofer(s) to estimate repairs.
 Snow and Ice Removal – Light snows and cold have been addressed as needed. Ice melt
and shovels when needed are available in the closet next to the nursery entrance.
 Door Fobs – Gary and Christi will be resolving the issues with fobs with Lock Doctor in
the next week.
 Presbytery Meeting - All arrangements are on time and being handled with Gary
Oberlander as liaison.
 Solar Panel systems – The information given by Sunny Portal shows a $119 deficit for
the 2015 year. A request for reassurance of functionality and cost vs. gain appraisal from
Brightergy will be requested in the coming month. The request of moving the panels for
roof repair “in gratis” by Brightergy will be pursued as well.
 Alarm System - Needs and possible additions will be addressed by a meeting with
Progressive by Gary Oberlander and Christi Neal in the coming week. Other venders
will be sought to seek competitive bids on this important issue.
 Floor mats; - Mats to protect the carpet at the dais in the sanctuary have been donated on
a temporary basis and a new permanent mat will be purchased when needed.
 Parking Lot – Signage for public notice of our property use by general public will be
created as needed and posted. This statement will be filed with the local police
department as well as a request for incident reports by them to keep BRPC informed.
 Pulpit/Lectern Lighting – Arrangements with venders, including some Church
members, are being approached to work out possibilities.
 New Street Signage - New signs at Blue Ridge Cut-off and Blue Ridge and 63rd and
Hunter were purchased and installed.
New Business:
 Signage in Narthex – A modern video sign/screen was suggested by Pastor Pat for the
Narthex area facing the South entrance/exit to display church information and welcomes.
The modest cost would be covered by, at this point, an anonymous memorial donation.
 Handrail – The South entrance hand rail, in dire need of repair, is being addressed along
with the concrete it mounts upon, by Gary Oberlander and will be missing for a short
while. It is planned to be returned a new by the Presbytery gathering.
 Theft deterrence – With the events of an automotive theft on Sunday December 31st
from the South BRPC parking lot due to an apparent visitor taking car keys left in a coat
pocket in the cloak room; Warning signs have been placed to warn and remind all that no
valuables should be left in un-guarded areas. There has also been some petty vandalism
in the North lot and has been reported to RPD. Raytown Police assure us that they will
be making more studied and frequent passes in the future. Property will be working with
Deacons and others to help prevent such events from happening. Property asks for any
suggestions toward a safer and secure environment for our beloved house of worship.
 BRPC Clean Up day – A day and time will be chosen in the coming weeks for needed
“Spring cleaning” by volunteers and members of all ages.

Christi Neal closed the meeting with prayer.

Respectfully submitted,

Bobby Neal

Next Property meeting will be Tuesday, March 8, 2016 at 7 PM.